Monday, 23 September 2013
Lunch & Conversation with Lochlann Jain
An Event for Grad Students
Co-sponsored by the Department of Cultural Anthropology and the Program in Women’s Studies at Duke University
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Tokyo Electric: Japan in the Age of Global Energy
A Lecture by IAN MILLER (Associate Professor, Department of History Harvard University)
4:00–5:00 pm
Room 225, Friedl Building (Duke East Campus)
Event is part of the APSI Fall Speaker Series and is also co-sponsored by the Dept. of History and by our Mellon Grant.
Monday, 18 November 2013
“Postcolonial Science Studies, or Asia as Method, or Both?”
A Mini-Seminar with Warwick Anderson (University of Sydney)
12-2 PM FHI Garage, Smith Warehouse
Sign-up for this seminar here (readings for the seminar will then become available to you).
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
“Making Global Health History: The Political Worldliness of Biomedicine.”
A Lecture by Warwick Anderson
5.30 PM at the FHI Garage, c105, Bay 4, Smith Warehouse
Visit Franklin Humanities Institute website for more detail
Co-sponsored by the Mellon Grant on The Globalization of Medicine and Science in Asia: Science and/as Asian Studies
- 9 am: Introduction (Robert Mitchell)
- 9:30-11:00: John B. Davis (Economics, Marquette University; Chair of History and Philosophy of Economics, University of Amsterdam); Talk Title: "Neuroeconomics and Identity in Economics"; Moderator: E. Roy Weintraub. (Background Reading: John B. Davis, "Neuroeconomics: Constructing identity"
- 11:15-12:45: Natasha Dow Schüll (Program in Science, Technology, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Talk Title: "The Shortsighted Brain: Neuroeconomics and the Governance of Choice"; Moderator: Nima Bassiri. (Background Reading: Natasha Dow Schüll and Caitlin Zaloom, "The Shortsighted Brain: Neuroeconomics and the Governance of Choice in Time"
- 12:45-2:00: Lunch Break: Free Sandwiches and Drinks will be Available
- 2:15-3:45: Scott Huettel (Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University); Talk Title: "Neuroeconomics: Why bother with the brain?"; Moderator: Mark Hansen. (Background Reading: Clement Levallois, John A. Clithero, Paul Wouters, Ale Smidts and Scott A. Huettel, "Translating upwards: linking the neural and social sciences via neuroeconomics"
- 4:00-5:30: Joseph Dumit (Director of Science and Technology Studies, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Davis); Talk Title: "Risking Neuroeconomics"; Moderator: Barbara Herrnstein Smith
2014 Symposium on "Population"
April 24, 2014, 9:15 am – 3:15 pm, East Union Building, Upper East Side
Confirmed speakers: Huntington Willard (Director, IGSP, Duke), Peter Godfrey-Smith (Philosophy, Graduate Center, CUNY), Lawrence Cohen (Anthropology, UC-Berkeley)
- 9:15-9:30: Introduction (Robert Mitchell, CISSCT Director)
- 9:30-11:00: Huntington Willard (Director, IGSP, Duke); Title: "The View from the Genome: E pluribus unum or reductio ad absurdum?"; Moderator: Tyler Curtain (English, UNC)
- 11:00-11:15: coffee break
- 11:15-12:45: Peter Godfrey-Smith (Philosophy, CUNY); Title: "Evolutionary Nominalism"; Moderator: Alex Rosenberg (Philosophy, Duke)
- 12:45-1:45 lunch break (lunch provided)
- 1:45-3:15: Lawrence Cohen (Anthropology, UC-Berkeley); Title: "The Federation of Silos: The Migrant, the Patient, and the Biometric Reformation of Population in India"; Moderator: Harris Solomon (Cultural Anthropology and Global Health, Duke)