Symposium on the Sciences and the Humanities: Intersections, Methods, Examples
March 2, 2018
9:30 am - 5 pm
FHI Ahmadieh Family Lecture Hall
(Bay 4)
Seven scholars from Cardiff University and Duke University will present work intended to facilitate discussion on how scholars from the humanities can most productively engage with work in the social and natural sciences. Some of the talks will focus explicitly on methodological questions (including a joint presentation of the “ScienceHumanities” initiative at Cardiff University), while others will exemplify different humanities approaches to the sciences. The presenters and presentation titles are as follows:
- James Castell (English, Cardiff University), Keir Waddington (History, Cardiff University), & Martin Willis (English, Cardiff University): “ScienceHumanities: New Visions for Literature and Science Collaboration”
- James Castell (English, Cardiff University): “Romanticism in the Anthropocene”
- Stefani Engelstein (German, Duke University): “Divisive Loves: Hierarchy and the Disciplines”
- N. Katherine Hayles (Literature, Duke University): “Does a Computer Have an Umwelt? An Exploration of Meaning-making Beyond the Human”
- Robert Mitchell (English, Duke University): “Life-Regulation from Malthus to Systems Ecology”
- Cate Reilly (Literature, Duke University): “Encyclopedia of Distress: Fanon, In Case”
- Keir Waddington (History, Cardiff University): “The Everyday in the ScienceHumanities”
- Martin Willis (English, Cardiff University): “Good Places of Sleep: Nineteenth-Century Sleep Research and Fictions of Utopia”
The “Symposium on the Sciences and the Humanities: Intersections, Methods, Examples” is co-sponsored by Cardiff University, Duke’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Science and Cultural Theory, Duke’s Department of Germanic Languages and Literature, and Duke’s Franklin Humanities Institute.
Please direct all inquiries about the symposium to Carolin Benack (
Data Capital: Hayek, Cybernetics, and German Idealism
February 2, 2:30 pm, 314 Allen Building
Leif Weatherby, Department of German, New York University spoke about "Data Capital: Hayek Cybernetics, and German Idealism. Dr. Weatherby is author of Transplanting the Metaphysical Organ: German Romanticism between Leibniz and Marx, Fordham UP, 2016.
Dr. Weatherby spoke about his current research project on the relationships between German Idealism and cybernetics.